QR Code as Map

A QR code was designed for this project to direct viewers to the Mapping Across Time blog site, which outlines the creative process involved in making the ceramic wall drawings. The QR code adds another layer of visual mapping, which ties into the overall conceit of the project.

Design consultant Rebecca Mushtare advised our team on the logistics and flexibility of QR code use. QR codes are (generally) free to create and are customizable within certain parameters. We were able to integrate an identity graphic into the design of our QR code, which ties it to the imagery associated with Fort Stanwix; the QR code is functional as a way-finding tool and visually integrated with the imagery used in the ceramic wall drawings.

Research on the function and mechanism of a QR code was conducted first, alongside the development of an identity graphic which would later be incorporated into the QR code design. A number of QR code designs were created with a series of revisions based on the team’s collective input. The result is a number of vector based QR code designs, each with specific QR code requirements but subordinated by the design team to meet a graphic outcome.

Identity graphic in developmental stages.
Identity graphic in developmental stages.
QR code with identity graphic integrated.
QR code with final identity graphic integrated.
Meeting for group revision of initial QR code designs.
Meeting for group revision of initial QR code designs.

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